.....:::: eMule v0.50a [UltiMatix v5.0] - Based on [SaintAngel] ::::.....
eMule v0.50a [UltiMatix v5.0]
Based on [SaintAngel]
Engo3K changes for eMule v0.50a [UltiMatix v5.0]
Build: Dec 4 2010
+Updated to MorphXT v12.5
+PowerShare for WebInterface
+High resulution speedmeter on toolbar
+Limit PS by amount of data uploaded (% of file size)
+Server.met url (ServerWind.)
-Server ads
+Automatic shared files updater
+Don't Ban community/Friends
+UpPrios Whith-PS in DL-List
+PBF 1MB-Start (adjustable) for Part&Finished Files
+Bold for Friend & Unlimitedslot
+CommColor orange
+Newest MediaInfo.dll from [MorphCA]
+eMule Skin from "Cloudas" (Skin profile eMule) to bin package from [MorphCA]
+HDD Protect - Increased max File Buffer Size to 40 MB with steps of 500 KB
+HDD Protect - Slidebar on "extended settings" to select Buffer Time Limit (1-30 mins)
+Save Last Request - SharedFilesWindow
+Share Permission -Hide/Comm/Friend/All
+Many icons
+Push Part Files [2-20] (0=Block!)
+Push Finished Files [2-20] (0=Block!)
+Average Queue Ranking
+Show Session Download
+Fixed Release Boost + for partfiles (not Release Bonus [X-Ray])
+Color red for PowerShare Files up/queuelist
+FileReaskTime for NNS & Unknown Src. to [20-58] mins
+See onuploadqueue/feedback
+Max client upload time [5-360] mins
+Multi chunk transfer
+Remove block ratio [BR:] clients
+Total UpDown column with pos./neg. colors - green/red
+Unlimited Slot
+Clear Banlist
+AntiQRFull [1=off-0.01 Max] + 0 Score + No PS + UpKick
+AntiCommunity [1=off-0.01 Max] + 0 Score + No PS + UpKick
+AntiMod [1=off-0.01 Max] + 0 Score + No PS + UpKick
+Punish for Non SUI Clients [0 Score/*0.1/*0.2/off] - Argos
+Friend Boost [2-500]
+Community Boost [2-500]
+Custom Prioritys
+Client-BAN All List
+Client Ban-Time [0-24h]
+Color for LowID/Friend/PowerShare/PBF/Community/Unlimited Slot
+Reask single Clients in Transfer Windows
+Push to Upload from downloadClientList & queuelist
+Drop Client in Transfer Windows (to another File)
+Whois-Client Provider Info all Lists
+GeoIP-IP Location Finder-Karte all Lists
+MSS Settings [=MTU-40]
+Slot Limiter [2-255]
+Kick All Upload Slots
+Kick single Upload Slot
+Clients Share Visiblity (Pink)
+Upload nur an eMule Clients
+Adjustable Modname
+Client Details copyable for better add to anticomm/mod
+UBT for client Datarate
+Don't remove spare trickle slot in UploadList
to disable Slotfocus Use Client datarate (KB/s) & d'rst-slot off
-PowerShare restrictions for partfile
-Friends restrictions (zzRatio 3KB/s to 0KB/s = Unlimited)
-Remove some Release Nick/Mods (AntiLeech+MagicAntileech.dll)
Changelog for eMule v0.50a [SaintAngel v1.2.1/1.1]
Based on MorphXT
Add: Show KAD flags&IP [X-Ray]
Added: Shared file extension filter(don't share them)[dolphinx/changed by angvil]
Added: Show runtime&nick on title [MorphCA]
Added: Some mod icons
Changed: change user-agent to 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1) Gecko/20100722 Firefox/3.6.8'
Removed:Some codes
Added: Release Bonus [X-Ray]
Added: Show CPU&RAM useage [StulleMule/Katana]
Added: Show User IP
Changed: Some small changed